This August, Rosatom State Corporation held its 6th AtomSkills-2021 Industry Championship. The competition was based on the WorldSkills methodology, with more than 1,100 participants in various competencies, supervised by experts from 16 divisions of Rosatom, specialists from several large industrial companies, and attended by experts and students from more than 20 universities and educational organizations.
The AtomSkills-2021 competition tasks prepared by the main experts of championship competences consolidate industry-specific and international requirements for dedicated professional activities. Criteria and parameters to assess proficiency in job knowledge and skills are defined by WorldSkills approaches, while the complexity level and quality parameters are based on codes and standards of the nuclear industry.
Roman Dimitriev represented EKRA Group as an expert in the competence “Maintenance and repair of relay protection and automation equipment.”
The championship winners got a chance to join the industry team to participate in the annual WorldSkills Hi-Tech National Championship, the Industry DigitalSkills Championship in the field of information technology in WorldSkills standards, the International Construction Championship, and also acquired the necessary experience to make the next career step, to become a mentor or an expert.