ED2-FR devices are used as fault recorders and are designed to collect, pre-process and archive signals, detect faults, malfunctions, as well as setting changes, enabling and disabling the devices. Devices can be used as centralized event registration system.
The ED2-FR has two size types:
- housing width 3/4 × 19 inches,
- housing width 1 × 19 inches.
Front panel
Large graphic display is designed to show the mimic diagram as well as the information necessary for the user
On/Off electronic switches used to enable/disable functionalities directly from the device front panel
Two-color LEDs (green/red) are provided with status latching or non-latching
The following buttons are provided on the IED front panel:
- IED control buttons
- keyboard
Ethernet for PC connection, USB for Flash drive connection
Rear view
IED is powered from sources of 110 VDC, 220 VDC
Maximum total amount of analog inputs is 48
Up to 256 freely configurable binary inputs/outputs
IED has 2 RS485 ports and up to 3 Ethernet ports supporting protocols IEC 60850-103/104, Modbus RTU/TCP, GOOSE, MMS (IEC 61850). For IEDs supporting IEC 61850, RJ45 or duplex LC Ethernet ports are provided featuring PRP hardware redundancy capabilityP
IED supports multiple types of hardware synchronization:
- PPS:
- Differential communication line (twisted pair, using optional converter)
- Fiber-optic line (using optional converter)
- 24 V synchronization pulse
- Differential communication line (twisted pair)
- Fiber-optic line (using optional converter)
Designed for their quick replacement with no need to dismantle the IED