Portable device for ground fault feeder detection in DC network is designed to be used in insulation resistance monitoring system in the DC network and to monitor the level of insulation resistance of DC bays with a voltage of 220, 110 V
In case of insulation resistance reduction of the pole, detected by IMR-01(02) or IMD-01(02), EKRA-IMS-PIM performs the following functions:
- measuring of the insulation resistance of the monitored bay
- detection of the damaged pole of the monitored bay
EKRA-IMS-PIM in a case
Portable insulation fault detector is designed as a measuring unit with current clamps connected to it. The clamps are connected to the measuring unit using 1 m-long cable
All essential components of the detector are housed in a robust case which is convenient to carry
Connection diagram of faulty bay detection using EKRA-IMS-PIM
Connection diagram of faulty bay detection using EKRA-IMS-PIM